Excelsior! DC Presents: Tales from Earth-6: A Marvelous Tribute by Stan Lee
DC announced a comic ‘Tales from Earth-6: A Celebration of Stan Lee‘ written by Stan Lee that ran from 2001 to 2002, The comic sees a return to the universe of ‘Just Imagine’, a reimagining of the DC Universe. The DC’s Heroes was released on December 2022.

According to CBR, Tales from Earth-6: A Celebration of Stan Lee is one of the one-shot anthologies with 96 pages that includes DC characters Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and The Sandman. Michael Uslan, The Batman film producer, worked on the original Just Imagine books alongside Lee in 2001 and 2002 to design a new version of Shazam. Check out the images below.
The writers for the ‘Tales from Earth-6: A Celebration of Stan Lee’ are Mark Waid (Kingdom Come, Batman/Superman: World’s Finest), Jerry Ordway (Superman, Action Comics), Kenny Porter (DC: Mech), Stephanie Williams (Nubia & the Amazons, Trial of the Amazons), Michael W. Conrad and Becky Cloonan (Wonder Woman, Batgirls), Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing (Batman Beyond: Neo-Year), Meghan Fitzmartin (Tim Drake: Robin), Steve Orlando (Martian Manhunter), and Zac Thompson (Batman: Urban Legends).
The stars included Lee Weeks (Batman, Daredevil), Kevin Maguire (Justice League International, World’s Finest) Jerry Ordway (The Adventures of Superman, The Power of Shazam!), Karl Mostert (Batman: Urban Legends, DCeased: Unkillable), Juan Ferreyra (Green Arrow, Gotham By Midnight), Anthony Marques (Batman: The Audio Adventures), Pablo M. Collar (Are You Afraid of Darkseid?), Belén Ortega (DC Pride: Tim Drake Special), Max Dunbar (Batman Beyond: Neo-Year) and Hayden Sherman (Batman: Urban Legends). Jim Cheung (Justice League) provides a wraparound cover for the book, featuring all of Lee’s heroes side-by-side, while Steve Beach, Riley Rossmo, Jason Howard, Kelley Jones, Ariel Colon, Kyle Hotz, Christian Ward, Clayton Henry, Jorge Corona, Belén Ortega, Dan Panosian and Cully Hamner (1-in-25 ratio) provide variant covers.