Loki Season 2, Episode 6, is now available on Disney+. The final episode in Season 2 features incredibly clever storytelling and serves as an exemplary conclusion to the series. Loki (Tom Hiddleston), who originally aimed to rule Asgard, has undergone a deep transformation, now reigning over the entire multiverse. This shift reflects a remarkable journey from being the “Most selfish god” to the “most selfless God.” Loki’s newly formed multiversal timelines take the shape of Yggdrasil, the Norse tree of life.

In Episode 6, Loki tries to prevent the destruction of the Temporal Loom. However, every attempt fails, regardless of how far back in time he goes. It’s only when Loki learns the specifics of the Throughput Multiplier technology that he succeeds. Unfortunately, the Loom cannot stabilize due to the mathematically impossible task of managing an infinite number of branches.
Loki, realizing he can’t change the present, time-slips back to when Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) kills He Who Remains. He explains the Temporal Loom safeguards the Sacred Timeline, suggesting killing Sylvie is the only way to prevent its destruction. Loki suggests destroying the Loom instead, but He Who Remains warns it could restart the multiversal war, making any attempt by Loki futile. After conversations with Mobius (Owen Wilson) and Sylvie in different past moments, Loki returns before Timely enters the Loom. He tells Sylvie and Mobius about the god he wants to be, destroys the Loom, and realizes he can revive the dead time branches with his magic.
Loki discards his TVA identity, shaping the branches into a tree and assuming his place at the end of time. Ouroboros (Ke Huy Quan) revives Miss Minutes, now devoted to the TVA’s new objective of tracking variants of He Who Remains, with one intercepted at Earth-616’s “adjacent realm.” Mobius departs the TVA for his original timeline, while Renslayer, in the Void, encounters an unseen force.
Overall, the Loki Season 2 finale stands out as the perfect conclusion to the best MCU show. Undoubtedly, Loki has become the standout character in the current MCU landscape. In the closing scene, Tom Hiddleston’s performance is particularly noteworthy as he skillfully captures a mix of pain, sadness, and happiness, adding a powerful touch to the conclusion.

The Loki Season 2 finale concludes without a credit scene.