‘What If…?‘ Season 2 Episode 6, titled ‘What If… Kahhori Reshaped the World?’ is now available for streaming on Disney+. This episode is cool and needs more focus on subtitles. Kahhori is powerful, similar to Captain Marvel. It’s confirmed that she has a bigger thing to achieve when Strange Supreme appears and is searching for her. Devery Jacobs voices Kahhori.
Episode 6 begins with the flames of Ragnarok, where Surtur destroys Asgard, leading to wonders emerging from a single ember of the past. The Tesseract survives Ragnarok and lands in a new world. In this world, there’s a small village where sisters Kahhori and Wahta reside. While playing, they explore a battlefield and discover a secret place. Suddenly, they hear noise as people attempt to attack their village. Running to a cave for safety, Kahhori and Wahta find a lake containing the Tesseract. During the attack, one of the guards targets Kahhori, causing her to fall into the lake along with the Tesseract. This transports her through a gateway to the stars, granting her extraordinary powers.

Breaking upon impact, the cube unleashed unbridled space stone energy, endowing the lake with its extraordinary powers. Warriors, adventurers, and noble tribespeople vanished into the water, never to return. Upon awakening, Kahhori found herself in a celestial realm alongside her unaged ancestors, living in serene harmony. Guided by a mysterious figure, she discovered her newfound powers and underwent training. However, she realized she needed to return to her world to save her people. Despite her attempts to reach an upper sky portal, Kahhori faced challenges. The king who attacked her village discovered the lake and sent his army, only for them to disappear into the sky world. In defending the people, Kahhori thwarted their attacks.
Kahhori decided to unleash her powers and create a portal from the sky to the underground, succeeding in her attempt. She endeavored to bring all the gifted individuals to her village. Eventually, she returned to her village and saved all its people, including Wahta.

What Happened at the End of ‘What If…?’ Season 2 Episode 6?
In the end, when Kahhori made her entrance to the queen and offered peace, Strange Supreme suddenly emerged from a portal, saying, “My name is Steven Strange, and I have been looking for you for a long time.”