Doctor Strange 3 will reveal Clea (played by Charlize Theron) as a Black Priest sent by a multiverse group after the events of “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.” Their HQ is in Nothing Space, created by an incursion between two destroyed universes.
Doctor Strange 3’s Plot Is Based On the Multiverse’s Secret Threat

For Doctor Strange 3, Marvel Studios plans to adapt elements from the Time Runs Out comic event. The story continues from “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,” where Clea comes from another dimension seeking his help to fix an incursion he caused. Clea is part of the multiversal group The Black Priests, based in the Nothing Space of Destroyed Universes, formed from two dead universes due to an incursion. The film is going to define the dying Multiverse as a result of ongoing incursions, including Doctor Strange’s actions, and explores his threat to the Multiverse as revealed in “Multiverse of Madness.”

In the mid-credits scene of “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,” Charlize Theron’s Clea, a sorceress from the Dark Dimension and the niece of Dormammu, appears. She opens a portal to her dimension using a magical device, and Clea asks Strange if he is afraid to come with her.
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), there are five Doctor Strange variants. Two destroyed their own universes, one caused another universe’s destruction, one sought power at a cost, and one became a non-threatening zombie. Doctor Strange typically risks the Multiverse through selfless or selfish actions. However, Strange 616 stands out by learning from other variants’ mistakes and avoiding multiversal dangers.
During the “Fast X” premiere in Rome, Theron revealed she hasn’t been contacted by Marvel Studios for her next film. Her return to the MCU remains uncertain.
In “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,” Christine Palmer-838’s research hinted at Stephen Strange as a threat to the Multiverse, but specifics were lacking. Doctor Strange 3 will clarify Stephen’s danger by establishing him as linked to Multiverse-spanning incursions alongside the Council of Kangs’ threat. While the Council of Kangs causes the Multiverse to decay, the film’s details about the source remain uncertain. However, our sources suggest the movie will directly lead into the upcoming “Avengers” films.
Doctor Strange 3 will begin production in 2025.
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