Production on Marvel Television‘s Nova series is scheduled to begin in Q4 2025. Recently, Marvel Studios invited writers to pitch ideas for the show, with Annihilus, the ruler of the Negative Zone—a parallel dimension filled with hostile environments and bizarre lifeforms—set as the main villain.
According to insider @MyTimeToShineH on X, Marvel reached out to writers for pitches for the Nova TV show, with Annihilus as the main villain in mind and a request for the story to feel “young and sexy,” inspired by 80s military movies.
One pitch, heavily influenced by Starship Troopers, portrayed Richard Rider as a cocky jerk who falls in love with Namorita, joins the Nova Corps, and is assigned to a backwater “Outer Rim”-like planet that becomes the first phase of the Annihilus wave. The Annihilation Wave was treated like the bugs in Starship Troopers, highlighting the Nova Corps’ use of propaganda to police the galaxy and recruit members.
Here’s the plot synopsis for Nova:
In the wake of Annihilation, Nova, the Human Rocket, stands on the front lines of cosmic adventure as the last of the Nova Corps and our only hope against threats from the furthest reaches of the Marvel Universe!
Ed Bernero (Criminal Minds) will reportedly serve as showrunner, while Sabir Pirzada (Marvel’s Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel) is set to write the series. Glenn Close will return to her MCU role as Nova Prime Irani Rael, while John C. Reilly will reprise his role as Rhomann Dey.
In an interview with, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige confirmed Richard Rider will be the lead in the Nova series. Feige said, “It’s happening, it’s coming together. Richard Rider, yep.” He added, “It’s three or four years out.”
The Cosmic Circus reported that Sam Alexander’s version of Nova will be added to the Multiverse Saga. With young heroes and multiversal time travel being introduced, Nova could become a key character in the MCU. Rather than waiting for Sam to grow and develop on Earth-616, the multiverse allows exploration of different timelines where Nova is already an experienced hero, ready to face bigger challenges.
Nova will premiere on Disney+ in 2026.
Source: @MyTimeToShineH/X