‘What If…?‘ Season 2 Episode 9, “What If… Strange Supreme Intervened?” is now streaming on Disney+. This episode is an epic finale with a lot of powers. Captain Carter is one of the main scene-stealers in Season 2. Doctor Strange Supreme couldn’t control his evilness, and Kahhori is absolutely brilliant. One of the best finales.
In Episode 9, the final installment of ‘What If…?’ Season 2, Doctor Strange Supreme reaches out to Captain Carter in 1602, seeking her help to apprehend a woman named Kahhori. After Carter finds Kahhori, Strange Supreme appears, and Kahhori reveals that he has a malevolent plan. Strange Supreme is capturing powerful beings determined to destroy their universes, essentially assembling all the universe killers to feed them into a forge. The goal is to restore Strange Supreme’s universe and bring back Christine Palmer.
While Strange Supreme attempted to attack Kahhori, Carter refused to allow it. Despite Carter’s objections, Strange continued his assault. In a pivotal moment, Carter used her shield to release all the prisoners of the multiverse threats captured by Strange, including Thanos, Loki, Killmonger, Hela, and Zombie Scarlet Witch. Chaos ensued as they began fighting among themselves. Meanwhile, Kahhori and Carter ran from Strange, encountering Killmonger in an Infinity Stones suit. Kahhori used her powers to separate Killmonger from his suit. Carter donned the suit and engaged in battle with Strange.

During the massive battle, Strange, Kahhori, and Carter used their full powers to save the prisoners. In a crucial moment, all the prisoners contributed their power equipment to aid them in the fight against Strange Supreme. As Strange weakened, he transformed into an evil form. Despite Carter’s attempt to use the six Infinity Stones to separate him from the evil form, it failed. In the end, Strange sacrificed himself to the forge, resulting in the restoration of his universe and the return of Christine Palmer. Unfortunately, Strange couldn’t witness it. Finally, Carter met The Watcher, and he showed in the multiversal tree.
‘What If…?’ Season 2 is now available on Disney+.
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