Marvel Studios is waiting to take full control of the X-Men franchise. By the end of 2025, Marvel can recast the cast or enter production on an X-Men film. Fans expected that Marvel will announce a live-action film X-Men film at San Diego Comic-Con International 2022, but all are disappointed.
When Marvel Studios Will Make an X-Men Film?

According to Marvel, 20th Century Fox’s contractual obligations to actors in the X-Men franchise have carried over to Disney and are in effect until 2025. This means Marvel cannot recast or enter production on a film that includes roles held by some recent principal actors in the Fox X-Men franchise.
A journalist Devin Faraci told Cinema Sangha told that Marvel cannot initiate an X-Men project until 2025 due to “the contractual situation with the original Fox stuff”. he told “Despite the introduction of mutants at the end of Ms. Marvel, there’s no mutants in Phase 5. I know why. I know why there’s no mutants. I know why this is going to take a while. There might be individual mutants, there might be other characters that show a certain interest. The reason why is the contractual situation with the original Fox stuff is going to be in effect until 2025. So, if they don’t want to use those actors, then they have to wait until that contract all expires.”
Faraci acknowledged that Marvel has “like nine open spots in Phase 6” but no one is “going to see mutants until Phase 7:”
“If they’re going to have stuff hitting in 2025 at the end of the contract, then they’ll announce it. But I think they actually can’t go into production until the contract’s up. So it’s not even a release – it’s the same thing with Superman. So they’re going to be Phase 7. So you’re not going to see mutants until Phase 7. There are going to be mutants that will show up after the Multiverse Saga is over.”
Marvel Already Cast Professor X in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Marvel already cast Professor X in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the role was portrayed by Patrick Stewart. In the Fox X-Men franchise, he appeared in X-Men films X-Men, X2, X-Men: The Last Stand, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, The Wolverine, and Logan.